Physical Balance is a critical need and when we ignore that need we fall victim and can be rendered useless to ourselves, our families and our God.
I realize the Holiday seasons are upon us and the temptation to indulge grows ever stronger this time of the year. However, I also know the desire to achieve a healthier you is lurking somewhere inside, and it will surface just about the time you decide to put on that outfit you love, just to find out it doesn't fit anymore. Then the worse, you attempt to participate in things that seemed to come easy before, but now you do not have the strength, energy or stamina it takes to do it.
Balance is a choice, a choice to do a few things at a time to alter your lifestyle to fit what you really want. God has designed each of us in His own image, He has labeled us as daughters of the King, and He tells us we are beautifully, wonderfully made. Perhaps it is time to begin looking and acting the part.
You see we can all be the best “US” we can be, if we really want to be, but we must start with applying a key word to our lives, and that word is “DESIRE”. Have you ever noticed that if you want something you will get it, or if you really want to go somewhere you will go; one way or the other you will make it happen!
I have asked a wonderful friend and prayer sister of mine to assist me with the Fitness aspect of this page; I will be focusing mainly on the nutritional.
Bonnie Ladd is a great lady she loves the Lord and strives to keep herself physically fit so she can participate in life and her many services at church.
I met Bonnie a little over seven years ago and have been amazed at the way she is consistent with her fitness regardless of situations she encounters.
Bonnie is a FITNESS MENTOR, not a fitness expert and she will tell you gladly she has not completely achieved perfection, she just chooses to encourage other ladies to achieve their fitness goals.
I chose her because she has the character of consistency in her life.
It is our goal that ladies will step up and join us over the next few months and watch as the Lord transforms our bodies and minds as we learn to yield our appetites and activities to Him.
In Christ
Theressa Lindsey, Director UM
Proverbs 31:17 (KJV) 17 She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.
Fitness Mentor and Encourager
Growing up you never really think about your weight, until you reach those teenage years when your body is starting to change. For me, it was as a freshman in high school. It was then I realized at 168 lbs., I was overweight and I made the decision to make the change in my life that has carried on with me today.
I’m one of those people just like many of you that have been on a diet their whole life and still fighting to get those last 5lbs off. It’s hard for a woman in today’s world to maintain her goal weight and live a healthy life style.
From those freshman years to today at age 54, I still have to count calories and exercise. I call it my work in progress 101.
I have learned a lot through those years of diet plans, yoga, aerobics, zumba, gym memberships, etc. Yes, I can say all of these things work and are good programs to use. HOWEVER, it’s hard to find time to work a few or even one of these in our schedule each day.
For me it was doing it all at home. Two years ago, God blessed me with a new home and I was able to move out of the apartment I had lived in for 20 years.
For many years, I wanted to have an exercise room at home so I could workout in my time. Today, with an answer to prayer, I now have that workout room.
I have a treadmill, elliptical, hand weights and exercise ball. God is good, it’s wonderful.
Wow, I can hear some of you now saying I don’t have room, I don’t have the money for exercise equipment. Girlfriends you all have the means at home to exercise and use the tools you have to achieve the same goals without equipment.
Get the all clear from your doctor or even a workout plan he/she suggests for you then work the plan.
I have added some ideas you can use to substitute gym equipment, they are some things I did when the gym was not available and I needed to workout at home.
Walking, use your driveway or neighborhood if it’s safe. Start out walking 1 mile until you build up to 2 miles or further. Steps, if you have steps in your home go up and down them 8 – 10 times without stopping. Kitchen counter top, this is great for building upper body strength. Place your feet about 3-4 foot out from counter, hands on outer edge of counter use your arms to push your body out in a pushup motion. Do 8-10 reps 2 times until you can build up to do more?
Still using your counter top, place your hands on the counter like before, then squat down, bend your knees and come back up. Keep your back straight during your squat and repeat 8-10 times. Do two reps until you can build up to more?
That’s not a workout routine that I am prescribing for you, it is a way to overcome the obstacles that you may allow to hold you back, by saying I don’t have. Where there is a will, there is a way!
ABS????? Needs more work!!!
You can use can goods or empty 2-liter bottles with water in them for hand weights. If you have children and they have one of those big $2.50 balls from your local store, use that for abs.
There are many resources available to exercise with, and the cost can be very minimum to nothing.
I have learned in the past from all my struggles and failures there are 4 important things that you must have in order to achieve your goals.
1) You must have a vision
2) Pray about that vision
3) Focus; you have to stay focused on that vision
4) Commitment; you have to be committed or you have failed before you get started.
This is the KEY; you must stay focused and committed in order to accomplish your vision.
As Christian ladies, we should already know we can’t do anything without Gods help. This is where Prayer really comes into play.
Start each day off with prayer for Gods strength and ability to guide you with whatever comes your way that day. Pray for courage and drive to change your eating habits and making (taking) that time to exercise daily.
Yes, it’s hard work and hard getting started BUT, I promise you, will receive such a blessing and within days you will start telling a difference in how you feel and seeing results.
Oh, let me share something with you. I do realize this isn’t a simple task and you will have days that you fail and eat that candy bar or ice cream cake. (It’s ok to treat yourself once a week along the way just don’t go overboard.) I’ll leave you to judge that amount in your own plan.
I will say that once you get into your routine knowing the calories in a brownie and how long and hard it takes you to burn those off you will think differently about what you eat.
You can make diet and exercise lots of fun or extremely boring.
I have chosen to use it as my ministry to help others reach their goals and get healthy.
I have a girlfriend who lives close to me that needed a boost with some issues. I invited her over to exercise with me and that’s all it took. We have been exercising 4 days a week for about 1 year now.
I have another friend that I’ve been helping that lives to far to come to my house 4 days a week but, I have given her the same guidelines as you, and she is doing great working out at home.
You can do the same things; invite a friend or neighbor to exercise with you. What a great way to fellowship. It’s also a great time to visit and talk to the Lord when you’re working out.
Satan would love nothing more than for you to be a failure. Failure is on the top of his list for Christians who are trying to do good things for themselves and the Lord.
Have you ever thought just how blessed we are to have our health. Just think how much easier it would be on your body to recover if you were suddenly diagnosed with a serious health issue.
Walking has proven to be one of the most important exercises for those suffering from heart disease.
I do realize there are those of you with health restriction and it is hard for you to give your bodies the exercise it needs. Check with your doctors to see if there might be something very low impact you might be able to do.
I hope and pray that everyone who reads this article will stop and reevaluate their life style and make the changes needed to be as healthy as possible.
You can do it, I know you can and with God’s help, (who better to have on your team supporting you) the blessings you will receive from this will be unbelievable.
Things to Do Before Starting:
Consult your physician (very important)
Weigh and take your measurements (very important, write them down)
Ask you physician for a diet plan that is fitting for you (You should be able to call them and get one without having an appointment)
Most basic diet plans are:
Low carbs, low fats, low sodium, gluten free, no sugars, high fiber, etc.
However, don’t just follow a trend find the one you need, there are differences in people and there are different plans that work for different types of people.
Smaller portions and counting your calorie intake daily.
DO NOT, DO NOT, weigh every day. Pick one day out of the week to weigh and stick to it. Everybody is different, and is going to react to change differently. You may be doing everything right and not see any results for 2 weeks BUT, don’t get discouraged and think it’s not working because it is. Remember it took you some time to put it on and it’s not going to fall off in a few weeks.
Bonnie Ladd