God's Ladies in the Workplace
God has blessed me with such a wonderful gift with Unleashed, by making an avenue where as each Thanksgiving I get to say thank you to someone God has used to change my life.
At this time I would like to introduce you to one of the greatest ladies I have every met. (I know you have people you love dearly who have made major impacts in your life, use this time of the year to say thank you, God prepared them just for that moment in time when you where ready and willing to receive a life instruction to change your life)
God brought Kathy into my life right when I was saved and it was the humble compassion she had for everyone that drew me to her. I had so many challenges I had no idea where to start; when I would go to Kathy for advice she would always lead me to the throne of Grace where she knew my answers truly were. Yet she didnt leave me there, if she said God can help you through this, she would say call me and I will pray with you when you feel weak or alone. And I can say my precious friend Kathy always did what she said, and was always there for me; 27 years later she is still one of my greatest prayer warriors and cheerleaders... I thank God for her!!!
Theressa Lindsey, Director
My Dear Precious Friend and Prayer Mentor Kathy Renforth
I was saved on March 15, 1978 while attending a revival service at my church in Louisville, KY. Sounds pretty status quo doesn’t it, so let me preface it by saying I was a church secretary, Sunday School teacher, choir member and soul winner at the time!! You see, I was religious but lost. I had attended church since childhood in another denomination, had actually been baptized 3 times (that’s another whole story!), and gone through all the religious “hoops” I thought would get me to Heaven. Boy was I miserable! Soon after my husband got saved in August of 1977, I began having doubts about my own salvation. The Holy Spirit started working BIG time in my heart and as I examined my life in light of Scripture I realized I had never truly trusted Christ and His finished work on Calvary to save me. Instead I thought my good works and baptism would get me to Heaven. The night I got saved I also got baptized and my life has never been the same! Praise the Lord since then I have never doubted my salvation again and it has now been 34 ½ years! We remained at the church for several years and I grew in my faith. The Lord even allowed me to have some influence on our dear friend Theressa Lindsey’s life. What a blessing it has been to see her grow and use her gifts and talents for the Lord. I am so proud of her!!
My husband & I now live in his hometown of Indianapolis, IN. We have been here since 1989 and attend Lighthouse Baptist Church. In 1992 I began working as a Receptionist at a car auction company. My boss is a wonderful Christian man and I know without a doubt God led me here. Through the years we have held Bible studies, had Missionaries come and speak to us, sponsored a Men’s Prayer Breakfast and a host of other opportunities to share the Gospel. The Lord has allowed me to win several co-workers to Christ through the years and one in particular has been such a blessing. Her name is Deb. She was a single mother raising her little girl alone when she was hired. There was no church background and she was pretty skeptical , but curious to see what this “Christianity” thing was. I invited her to Friend Day at church and she and her daughter came. That day she was saved and her life changed drastically – I am talking a total 180 degrees! I have never seen anyone so hungry for the Lord!! She began to grow and now her daughter has graduated from Pensacola Christian College, Deb is now married to a man at church and they teach a Single Adult Class. Through that and her previous work in the Bus Ministry she has been able to reach out to other women with similar backgrounds. Isn’t God good?! It just goes to prove He can use anyone that is willing to serve Him! My prayer is that He will give me the opportunity to witness to many more of my co-workers before my time here ends or Jesus comes! Ladies, if He can use me, He can use you! Just be a clean and willing “vessel” and sit back and watch the amazing things He can do through you!
May God’s hand be upon you and bless you beyond measure –
Kathy Renforth
II Samuel 22:33