Gossip - Speak no Evil
We have all been guilty of it at some point or another; whispering, text messaging, or private phone calls where we “discuss” someone else’s personal life: marriage, family troubles, strange behavior, clothing, etc. Here in the south this type of conversation usually begins with a “bless their heart, but.” The truth is gossip is a dangerous sin, and one that goes beyond the doors of the church.
The Bible uses other words to describe gossip such as evil speaking and backbiting. And this sin can be so destructive that it can ruin relationships, families, and divide congregations. I recently sat in on a church service where gossip was the topic of discussion. I probably wasn’t the only one sitting in the pew recalling several occasions I have been guilty of this particular sin. In fact, before I was a Christian I participated in this type of sin quite often. It was like even though I knew it was wrong I did it anyway.
Since Christ has entered my heart I no longer desire to gossip about others. Sure the temptation is still there. I just have to pray for Christ to give me the strength to overcome it. I am thankful that Christ has given me the Holy Spirit to guide me through and past these types of situations.
Lastly, I can remember how empty and angry gossip left me feeling. It made me more immune to other sins. Just as words spoken out of anger can affect people, the wounds gossip creates can last a lifetime. Now, when I am talking to someone, and the potential for gossip appears, I know I have to shut it down. Truth is, I’m not perfect, and I will make mistakes. I just want to make sure others see Christ in me.
1 Peter 2:12 (KJV) Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.
The Bible uses other words to describe gossip such as evil speaking and backbiting. And this sin can be so destructive that it can ruin relationships, families, and divide congregations. I recently sat in on a church service where gossip was the topic of discussion. I probably wasn’t the only one sitting in the pew recalling several occasions I have been guilty of this particular sin. In fact, before I was a Christian I participated in this type of sin quite often. It was like even though I knew it was wrong I did it anyway.
Since Christ has entered my heart I no longer desire to gossip about others. Sure the temptation is still there. I just have to pray for Christ to give me the strength to overcome it. I am thankful that Christ has given me the Holy Spirit to guide me through and past these types of situations.
Lastly, I can remember how empty and angry gossip left me feeling. It made me more immune to other sins. Just as words spoken out of anger can affect people, the wounds gossip creates can last a lifetime. Now, when I am talking to someone, and the potential for gossip appears, I know I have to shut it down. Truth is, I’m not perfect, and I will make mistakes. I just want to make sure others see Christ in me.
1 Peter 2:12 (KJV) Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.