Journaling Lessons Learned
This is for lessons learned through the things you ask God to forgive you for; yes journal in the bad times.
Journal the lessons not the trials, journal the blessings that occurred along the way,
journal the sweet people God led you to, Not the cruel that oppressed you. There is God and good in every situation, and purpose for everything that happens. Don’t miss the blessings while shutting out the challenge.
You will need a tablet for trash! It will be for you to write the hurt so you can get it off your chest and out of your mind. (Remember; write down whatever is on your mind before you go to bed so you do not spend your nights dwelling on it) The things that you consider, “really bad” after you write them down; pray and give them to God, then rip up the pages, burn them, flush them whatever it takes for your mind to realize God does
hold them against you they are forgiven and gone. (Contact our ministry God has led us to a wonderful paper that when submerged in hot water, completely dissolves, it is a great tool for this) Eliminating the paper symbolizes release & belief that God has forgiven and restored.